WEEK 2 — The Law of Marketing

pardeep rajan
5 min readJun 7, 2021




According to PARDEEP RAJAN A G: Marketing is knowing customers needs and supplying their requirements.

Although we produce a product we have to make our customers to take home. And the effort involved is known as MARKETING..

Converting the available resources to customers is known as marketing.

Rupturing the existing audiences and converting to customers to take our products is known as marketing…

The Area currently specializes in:
• Business to Business Marketing
• Consumer Behaviors
• Product Management/Brand Management
• Marketing Decision Models
• Competitive Marketing Strategy
• Services Marketing
• Relationship Marketing
• Sales and Distribution Management
• Retailing

Marketing is an advertisement . Marketing is a brochure. Marketing is a press release. And more recently, Marketing is a Facebook page or a Twitter account.

I think of marketing as two simple things, perhaps not so simple. Know your customer so well that you can make yourself attractive to be found by them and then accelerate their buying process for selecting you.

Attracting customers is about connecting with them based on what they care about. Accelerating their buying is about anticipating their buying process needs and feeding them the right information at the right time in the way they need it.

The challenge with today’s customer centric marketing is the need to address markets of one. It requires very different thinking and processes.

The key idea is that activities like “opportunity identification” and “new product development” (to use the terms in the article) are frequently overlooked and should always be included in discussions of what marketing brings to the company.

If you aren’t ranking for your industry’s keywords on the first page of Google or Bing, then you’re not reaching your ideal audience. With our services, we’ll help fix this problem for you.

Our team of experts will create a customized content marketing plan and write the articles that will help you increase your rank. This type of evergreen content will help your business become an authority in the space and continue to drive organic website traffic to your website. Let us do the writing so that you can you can focus on growing other aspects of your business.

Brand-Unique Audiences for B2B Marketers

Reaching actual buyers means more to your success than just knowing which companies might purchase your products and services. That’s because people — not companies — make buying decisions.

Business-to-People approach finds the specific individuals who will buy from you today and become your best high-value repeat customers.

Advantages of Working with DIGITAL DEEPAK

· Large universe of highly-qualified prospects that deliver incremental volume for acquisition campaigns

· Custom audiences created for your exclusive use that will outperform all others

· Audiences priced well below those of other providers, delivering better performance at a lower cost

· More accurate direct mail and digital media targeting for lower customer acquisition cost and higher ROI

· Reduced waste in marketing spend

· Acquisition of high long-term value customers

· Exclusive reporting on industry benchmarks, with insights into your organization’s comparative performance

Four Stages of Marketing

Companies must go through multiple stages of marketing to ensure their products or services are ready for selling.

  • Ideation: Marketing starts when you develop an idea for a product or service. Before launching a product or services, you must decide what you are selling, how many options are available, and how it will be packaged and presented to consumers.
  • Research and testing: Before you can take your idea public, you should perform marketing research and testing. Marketing departments usually test new product concepts with focus groups and surveys to gauge consumer interest, refine product ideas, and determine what price to set. Researching your competitors can help you set an optimal price and generate ideas for positioning your brand in an existing market.
  • Advertising: The information you gather in your research will help you define your marketing strategy and create an advertising campaign. Campaigns can include different forms of media, events, direct advertising, paid partnerships, public relations, and more. Before beginning an advertising campaign, set concrete benchmarks that you can use to measure how effective that advertising campaign is.
  • Selling: Determine where and how you plan to sell to customers. Consumer product companies, for example, sell to wholesalers who then sell to retailers. In the industrial market, the buying process is longer and involves more decision-makers. You may sell locally, nationally, or even internationally, and some companies only sell their products or services online. Your distribution and sales channels impact.
  • Selling the needy products is another way of marketing.

The Four Ps Model of Marketing

The four stages of marketing can also be mapped onto another popular marketing model known as the Four Ps of marketing. The four Ps in this model are product, price, promotion, and place.

  • Product: The procedures you have in place to ensure that your products are ready for selling. Your product (or service) should fill a gap in the market, meet the needs of customers, and stand out from the competition.
  • Price: The cost of purchase, including both the sticker price as well as less quantifiable trade-offs that a customer must be willing to make when they purchase your products.
  • Promotion: The information you give consumers through targeted advertising to generate interest in your products. Promotions usually have one of two purposes: generate leads or initiate actual purchases.
  • Place: Refers to how and where products are sold. All distribution decisions are part of your overall marketing process.
  • We shouldn’t worry how we reach the customer we to reach the customer and they should forget why they bought from us..

Types of Advertising

There are many kinds of advertising that you can use to promote your business, teach customers about your products, and generate sales. Print, radio, and television campaigns are types of advertising, as are direct mail, email, and internet marketing. If you have a website, it should be optimized for search to help customers find it through search engines like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Newsletters, press releases, and articles are also forms of marketing used to capture leads and generate sales. Some companies also use referral marketing, where satisfied customers refer others (often for a reward) to increase business.

The rise of social media platforms has increased the importance of social media marketing, including connecting with customers on social media by persuading them to follow your business, partnering with social media influencers through product placement or paid sponsorships, and paying for advertising on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. The types of advertising that you choose will depend on your budget, type of business, and the preferences of your ideal customers.

The Marketing Lifecycle

Advertising, or promotion, is only one component of your marketing plan. The marketing process begins with the idea for your product and continues until that product is in the hands of a consumer who bought it. Even after a customer has made a purchase, your marketing shouldn’t end — a portion of your advertising should be targeted at current customers to ensure they remain customers and increase loyalty.

Marketing is a skill who can sell anything at any point of time. It is not a product biased. It is a mother who feeds the kids with love and affections according their needs. As according to the golden words necessity is the mother of all invention. Marketing is the only way to exchange the availabilities. Both money and assets. Something is better than nothing is used in this case only.

All are selling only the products required for the people. The difference is appealing the customer to pick us first.

Marketing in local language is only crying kid will get milk.. Even we have to market ourselves to parents..

A lot to be written regarding marketing but those are so secrets shouldn’t be exposed in public…

